Flower Essences

Flower and mineral essences prepared in the tradition of Edward Bach, M.D., for multi-level healing. We have been gathering and using these essences since 1976 and have found them to be potent tools for dealing with the underlying emotional and spiritual factors which may impede one's progress towards health.


Sweetwater Essences

Amaranthus Green Turquoise Petrified Wood
Apophyllite Heart of Tree Petunia
Apple Hibiscus Pink Ladyslipper
Arrowhead Hiddenite Pink Rose
Azalea Honeysuckle Pink Tourlmaline
Azurite-Malachite Hyssop Poppy
Basil Impatiens Prickly Pear Cactus
Bean Indian Paintbrush Queen Anne's Lace
Black Eyed Susan Indain Pipe Redbud
Bojie Stone Jack in the Pulpit Red Clover
Borage Jasmine Red Coral
Calendula Kunzite  

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Blessed be the flowers, beloved gifts which are our constant reminder of the reality of God and goodness of Creation.



Aromatherapy Massage Creams



Twelve Corners
"The Good Herb Company"
Franklin, Tennessee 37064

Telephone (615)-599-2808

E-mail: info@twelvecorners.com